Sunday, November 6, 2011


When I have a few spare moments (rare enough, see post regarding children) I like to sit quietly and listen to the fizz and pop of my brain cells dying. Impending old age and the attendant memory loss may be a concern for some but when you've done many stupid things (as I have) and if you have a tendency to pick at the scabs of those stupid things (as I do) the gradual disappearance of those stupid events can be a very freeing experience. Pop! Goodbye that time I said I'd do that thing for my mum but then forgot and, yeah, sure it was kind of an annoying thing to do but still it was a dick move to forget to do it. Fizz! Goodbye that time there was that stunning woman in the bar who smiled and then waved and then I waved back and she smiled and then I, for whatever reason, attempted to communicate through raised eyebrows and wiggled fingers the concept "Wow, it's really busy in here isn't it? Should I come over to you? What are you drinking?" which took about two minutes but then realized she was actually waving and smiling at the guy behind me. Because once you forget it, it's really as though it never happened at all, isn't it. It's not like she's going to remember..."Casper and Julian looked at each other with concern. Gran was clutching her sides and rocking about. Laughter was dragging it's way from her aged frame in a way that was almost brutal. Tears of mirth flooded the deep lines at the sides of her eyes. Finally she managed to get, and keep, enough air in her lungs to speak. "Oh my sainted stars, boys. Oh you should have seen him! He thought I was smiling at him! What a fucking idiot!". And then she was lost again, lost to whatever place the memories of the truly aged dwell". I mean really. It's gone forever. It's really rather freeing. If a tree falls in the woods but it was really pissed at the time and doesn't remember falling, then when it wakes up, did it really fall? Well yes, yes of course it did. And these days there are probably pictures on Facebook to prove it. Fucking Facebook.

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